Optimizer plugins are similar to transformers but they accept a bundle instead of a single asset. Optimizers are commonly used to implement minification, tree shaking/dead code elimination, and other size reduction techniques that need a full bundle to be effective. However, Optimizers can also be used for any type of bundle transformation, such as prepending license headers, converting inline bundles to base 64, etc.
#The optimize
method receives the contents of a bundle and its source map, and should return transformed versions of these. Multiple Optimizer plugins may run in series, and the result of each Optimizer is passed to the next. See below for more info about source maps.
import {Optimizer} from '@parcel/plugin';
export default new Optimizer({
async optimize({contents, map}) {
let {code, sourceMap} = optimize(contents, map);
return {
contents: code,
map: sourceMap
Loading configuration
#Loading configuration from the user’s project should be done in the loadConfig
method of an Optimizer plugin. See Loading configuration for details on how to do this.
Note: It's important to use Parcel's config loading mechanism so that the cache can be properly invalidated. Avoid loading files directly from the file system.
Conditional optimization
plugins are always run by Parcel, even in development or when the --no-optimize
option is specified. This is because Optimizers can be used for any kind of bundle transformation, not just compression. If your Optimizer plugin is performing minification or should generally only run in production builds, you should check the shouldOptimize
property of the bundle's environment and return the original contents if it is false
import {Optimizer} from '@parcel/plugin';
export default new Optimizer({
async optimize({contents, map, bundle}) {
// Don't minify if shouldOptimize is false.
if (!bundle.env.shouldOptimize) {
return {contents, map};
let {code, sourceMap} = minify(contents, map);
return {
contents: code,
map: sourceMap
Binary content
#The input content passed to an Optimizer may be a string, Buffer, or ReadableStream. Typically, source code will be a string and binary content will be a Buffer or stream, but you should not assume this. The @parcel/utils
package contains some functions to help convert between them: blobToString
and blobToBuffer
. Optimizers may return any of these representations.
import {Optimizer} from '@parcel/plugin';
import {blobToBuffer} from '@parcel/utils';
export default new Optimizer({
async optimize({contents}) {
let buffer = await blobToBuffer(contents);
let optimized = optimize(buffer);
return {contents: optimized};
Source maps
#Source maps help developers when debugging compiled and bundled code in the browser by mapping locations in the compiled code back to the original source code. Optimizer plugins should transform the provided source map in addition to the contents of the bundle.
Parcel uses the @parcel/source-map
library for source map manipulation. See Source Maps for more details on how to use it. You may need to convert the source map you pass to and from other tools.
The getSourceMapReference
function passed to Optimizer plugins can be used to insert a URL to the source map within the bundle contents. Parcel takes care of generating inline source maps when appropriate (e.g. following sourceMap
options in Target config).
import {Optimizer} from '@parcel/plugin';
import SourceMap from '@parcel/source-map';
export default new Optimizer({
async optimize({contents, map, getSourceMapReference}) {
// Convert the input source map to JSON.
let result = optimize(contents, map.toVLQ());
// Convert returned JSON source map to a Parcel SourceMap.
let sourceMap = new SourceMap(options.projectRoot);
// Add source map reference to compiled code
let url = await getSourceMapReference(sourceMap);
result.code += `\n//# sourceMappingURL=${url}\n`
return {
contents: result.code,
Relevant API
#Optimizer parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:1591
type Optimizer<ConfigType> = {|
loadConfig?: ({|
config: Config,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
|}) => Promise<ConfigType> | ConfigType,
bundle: NamedBundle,
bundleGraph: BundleGraph<NamedBundle>,
contents: Blob,
map: ?SourceMap,
options: PluginOptions,
logger: PluginLogger,
config: ConfigType,
getSourceMapReference: (map: ?SourceMap) => Async<?string>,
|}): Async<BundleResult>,