
#即使您没有做任何复杂的事情,如果您要使用 Parcel,花一些时间并了解它的工作原理是很有意义的。
#概括地说,Parcel 经历了几个阶段:
- Resolving - 解决
- Transforming - 转型
- Bundling - 捆绑
- Naming - 命名
- Packaging - 打包
- Optimizing - 优化
- Compressing - 压缩
resolving 和 transforming 阶段并行工作以构建所有资产的图表。
资产图在 bundling 阶段被转换为捆绑包。每个包的输出文件名在Naming阶段确定。
optimizing阶段转换每个包的内容。完成后,Parcel 确定每个包的内容哈希,这些哈希将应用于最终输出文件名。
资产图 Asset Graph
#在解析和转换阶段,Parcel 会发现您的应用程序或程序中的所有资产。每个资产都可以对 Parcel 将引入的其他资产有自己的依赖关系。
#一旦 Parcel 构建了整个 Asset Graph,它就会开始将其变成“捆绑包”。这些捆绑包是放在一个文件中的资产分组。捆绑包将(通常)仅包含相同语言的资产。
某些资产被视为您应用程序的“入口”点,并将作为单独的捆绑包保留。例如,如果您的 index.html
文件链接到 about.html
#- Transformer: Converts an asset (into another asset)
Example: convert Typescript to JavaScript (per file) - Resolver: Turns dependency requests into absolute paths (or exclude them)
Example: add your own syntax for imports, e.g.import "^/foo"
- Bundler: Turns an asset graph into a bundle graph
Example: create a bundler that does vendoring (splitting app and node_modules code) - Namer: Generates a filename (or filepath) for a bundle
Example: place output bundles in a hierarchical file structure, omit hashes in bundle names - Runtime: Programmatically inserts (synthetic) assets into bundles"
Example: add analytics to every bundle - Packager: Turns a group of assets (bundle) into a bundle file"
Example: concatenate all input CSS files into a CSS bundle - Optimizer: Applies modifications to the finished bundle (similar to a transformer)
Example: run a minifier or convert into a data-url for inline usage - Compressor: Compresses or encodes bundles in one or more ways
Example: compress a bundle with Gzip - Validator: Analyzes assets and emit warnings and errors
Example: do type-checking (TypeScript, Flow) - Config: A reuseable '.parcelrc' package
Example: provide a tailor-made parcel config for your boilerplate - Reporter: Listens to events of the build
Example: generate a bundle report, run a dev server